Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Quoted: Rudd vs. Krasinski

The New York Daily News caught up with Rashida at the "Twelfth Night" performance in Central Park Thursday night. They asked her who was the better kisser - Paul Rudd or John Krasinski?
Rashida Jones kisses - and tells. When we approached the star during the opening of “Twelfth Night” in Central Park, the actress confided she prefers the smooches of former “I Love You, Man” co-star Paul Rudd to ex-boyfriend John Krasinski. “I’d definitely have to say Paul!” she enthused. “John’s great, but I’d still say Paul.” We wonder if John’s new girlfriend, Emily Blunt, would make the same choice?

Her friend 'Entertainment Lawyer', aka Enty from Crazy Days and Nights, did a post about it yesterday. He basically defends her by dissing the Daily News and trying to explain the whole Q&A situation.

Rashida Jones Doesn't Throw John Krasinski Under A Bus
So, the NY Daily News tried to pull a fast one on Rashida Jones and get her to throw ex-boyfriend John Krasinski under a bus. Rashida declined to do so because she is all class. Wow, that does sound a little kiss-ass-ish doesn't it? Oh, well, everyone knows I love her so it shouldn't come as a surprise. The Daily News caught up with er at Shakespeare In The Park and asked her who was the better kisser, Paul Rudd as her co-star or John Krasinski in real life? I know they asked the question in hopes that she would throw John under a bus. At least I hope that is why they asked it and not because the reporter couldn't come up with anything else. It is a pretty high school type question.

Add to this the fact she is dating a guy right now and it becomes even more awkward. I haven't checked, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was there with her that night. So, right there in front of the guy you are currently dating you get asked if your ex-boyfriend is a great kisser or not. That is a class move Daily News. For the record she did say that Paul Rudd was the better kisser and that she likes John just fine it just wasn't as good as Paul.

So, I think most of you would also probably agree with Rashida, at least in the who would you rather part of the hypothetical.
Posted by ent lawyer at 10:30 AM

--If you check out the comments most think she did throw him under a bus, hehe.