November 21, 1987: U2 Party at Jane Fonda's Home in Beverly Hills, CA
April 8, 1988: American Soviet Film Initiative Gala at the Bel Age Hotel in Hollywood, CA
TV Guide has confirmed Rashida will be reprising her role as Karen Fillipelli in an upcoming episode of The Office. Click here for more info about the February 17th episode.
Some info about her appearance in Fight For Your Right Revisited:
Rashida is one of several celebrity cameos; she gets hit on by the Boys and says "You wish, turkeys!"
--A Guide to Every Celebrity Cameo in Fight for Your Right Revisited, NY Mag
But not just any actors. Seth Rogen portrays the Beasties’ Michael “Mike D” Diamond, Elijah Wood embodies Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz and a trash-talking Danny McBride channels '80s-era Yauch via four-day growth of beard and sleazy leather jacket.
The trio rob a bodega, spray beer all over passersby on a New York-esque (read: Hollywood movie studio backlot) street and generally raise havoc wherever they go, terrorizing a Who’s Who of movie bigshots in the process: Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson and Will Arnett among them -- but also Kirsten Dunst, Rashida Jones and Orlando Bloom (wearing a vintage Def Jam jacket in homage to the group's former record label). But the Beastie party mayhem doesn’t stop there. The “Beasties” are picked up by “metal chicks” portrayed by Chloe Sevigny and Maya Rudolph with whom they ingest whippets and drop liquid acid.
The whole, ahem, brouhaha culminates with a confrontation with none other than the “Beastie Boys from 25 years in the future”: Will Ferrell (as Ad-Rock), John C. Reilly (as Mike D) and a petulant Jack Black as MCA. A wild break dance contest turns into an actual pissing contest that is broken up by a trio of New York cops –the real Beastie Boys.
-- Sundance 2011, LA Times
Two more of her films now have official release dates:
Her other 2011 films are Friends with Benefits (July 22) and The Muppets (November 23).